Quem Countera o Teemo?
Who is the best counter against Teemo
The best champions that counter Teemo are Yorick, Yasuo, Malphite, Shen, and Irelia.
How do you counter Teemo
Farming under turret while attacking Teemo when he tries to last hit minions is an effective way to deny him farm. As long as you survive his attacks, letting him hit you is a good choice.
What is Teemo’s weakness in Wild Rift
Teemo is weak against champions with gap closers. Punish him with engages when his blind is on cooldown and avoid following his exact path when chasing him.
What is Teemo’s win rate in Wild Rift
Teemo’s win rate in Wild Rift is 50.32%. He has a Tier A- ranking with a pick rate of 3.0% and a ban rate of 3.0%.
Can Gwen counter Teemo
Gwen has a 43.59% win rate against Teemo, which is 7.08% lower than the average opponent.
Can Darius counter Teemo
Darius has a 49.13% win rate against Teemo, which is 0.60% higher than the average opponent. After normalizing both champions’ win rates, Darius wins against Teemo 0.77% less often than expected.
How long does Teemo poison last
Teemo’s poison lasts for 4 seconds after each attack, dealing damage on impact and every second thereafter.
Does cleanse stop Teemo blind
Cleanse can remove Teemo’s blind, along with other effects such as ignite, exhaust, charm, fear, movement slows, polymorph, silences, snares, stuns, and taunts.
Who is the most overpowered champion in Wild Rift
Thresh is considered the most overpowered champion in Wild Rift due to his high damage numbers and crowd control abilities, especially his skill Dawnshroud.
What is the hardest character to play in LoL
Ranked from hardest to play, the top 8 most challenging characters in League of Legends are Nidalee, Akali, Qiyana, Corki, Aphelios, Kalista, K’Sante, and Azir.
Who is the strongest character in Wild Rift
The top 10 strongest champions in Wild Rift are Varus, Kha’Zix, Evelynn, Thresh, Seraphine, Jayce, Garen, and others.
Who are the biggest counters to Gwen
Gwen is countered by champions such as Quinn, Pantheon, Rek’Sai, Riven, Warwick, Akali, Fiora, and Jax.
Who is the best counter against Teemo
What champions counter Teemo The best champions that counter Teemo are Yorick, Yasuo, Malphite, Shen and Irelia.
How do you counter Teemo
Farming under turret
While you are farming under your turret, you can easily deny Teemo all farm by just attacking him once he tries to last hit a minion. He will need to choose, hit the the minion or hit you. As long as you survive the hit, letting him hit you is always the right choice.
What is Teemo’s weakness in wild rift
Teemo is weak against gap closers. If Teemo uses his blind to harras you, punish him with engaging on him, as soon as the blind is over. When chasing Teemo, don't take his exact path.
What is Teemo’s win rate in wild rift
Teemo Wild Rift Build Guide
Tier | A- |
Win rate | 50.32% |
Pick rate | 3.0% |
Ban rate | 3.0% |
Can Gwen counter Teemo
Gwen wins against Teemo 43.59% of the time which is 7.08% lower against Teemo than the average opponent.
Can Darius counter Teemo
Darius wins against Teemo 49.13% of the time which is 0.60% higher against Teemo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Darius wins against Teemo 0.77% less often than would be expected.
How long does Teemo poison last
Each of Teemo's attacks will poison the target, dealing damage on impact and each second after for 4 seconds.
Does cleanse stop Teemo blind
Cleanse will remove any and all of the following effects: Ignite, Exhaust, Blinds, Charm, Fear (including Flee), Movement Slows, Polymorph, Silences, Snares (including Entangle, Roots and Immobilizes), Stuns and Taunts.
Who is the most overpowered champion in Wild Rift
Top Pick: Thresh (S tier)
Thanks to his already high damage numbers and an incredible amount of crowd control, Dawnshroud, which provides extra damage and reveals nearby enemies upon immobilizing enemies, makes Thresh a top-tier pick.
What is the hardest character to play in LoL
League Of Legends: The Hardest Characters To Play, Ranked8 Nidalee.7 Akali.6 Qiyana.5 Corki.4 Aphelios.3 Kalista.2 K'Sante.1 Azir.
Who is the strongest character in Wild Rift
10 Strongest Champions From League Of Legends: Wild Rift1 Varus Is A Rapid Fire Archer.2 Kha'Zix Is An Unseen Threat.3 Evelynn Assassinates To Obtain Victory.4 Thresh Harvests The Souls Of The Dead.5 Seraphine Is A Charming Healer.6 Jayce Could Be A Lane Bully.7 Garen Is A Highly Reliable Champion.
Who are the biggest counters to Gwen
Gwen counter tipsQuinn. 59.8% 271.Pantheon. 57.4% 795.Rek'Sai. 57.2% 285.Riven. 55.4% 948.Warwick. 55.3% 416.Akali. 54.8% 383.Fiora. 54.8% 1 451.Jax. 54.4% 1 982.
Who is Gwen countered by
The most commonly encountered champions Gwen counters against hardest top versus top is Dr. Mundo, Yorick & K'Sante. While Gwen is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Quinn, Warwick & Rek'Sai.
Who can beat Darius 1v1
What champions counter Darius The best champions that counter Darius are Quinn, Wukong, Gwen, Yorick and Vayne.
Does Teemo blind stop Darius
No, Darius' Ultimate will still hit you.
Why is Teemo the worst champion
and despite being an ADC counter, his blind has a timer on it (incase people didn't know). it's not smooth enough so more times than none the enemy AA still hit Teemo in the face, because there was a slight delay with the blind effect. his scaling isn't amazing, his damage and mobility are also pretty mediocre.
How long does Teemo blind last
Teemo shoots a dart at the target enemy, dealing them 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and blinding them for a short duration, causing all their attacks to miss for 2.0 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 seconds.
Can Teemo perma blind
This buff allows Teemo to permanently blind enemy champions as long as players build in enough ability haste.
Who is canonically the strongest lol champion
As far as the lore is concerned, Aurelion Sol is by far the strongest and oldest known character in the League of Legends universe. It is said that Sol came to life immediately after League's version of The Big Bang, and has been shaping the universe ever since.
Who is the weakest champion in Wild Rift
Wild Rift Worst Picks to Climb: Avoid these Bad ChampionsJhin. Project Jhin.Soraka. Winter Wonderland Soraka.Aurelion Sol. This champion became a meme in the Wild Rift community.Kennen. This poor yordle is a far way from its prime.Singed. This champion isn't necessarily terrible.In Conclusion.Stay Connected.
Who is the saddest character in League of Legends
Amumu – The Sad Mummy.
Who is the most loved character in LoL
Ranking Top 10 Most Popular League of Legends ChampionsJinx: No surprise here, Jinx is the most popular ADC in League of Legends.Viktor: Runner up is Viktor.Vi: Third place goes to the sister of Jinx, the Piltover Enforcer, Vi.Jayce:Caitlyn:Gwen:Zeri:Lux:
Who is the most overpowered champion in League of Legends
Irelia is one of the most overpowered champions on release because of how fast she needed a hotfix, rivaling LeBlanc in Riot's emergency response time. Her full rework made her a durable bruiser with unparalleled sustain and mobility.
Is Gwen good against Teemo
Gwen wins against Teemo 48.22% of the time which is 0.61% lower against Teemo than the average opponent.
What tier rank is Gwen
GwenTop Build
Tier | B- |
Win rate | 50.5% |
Pick rate | 3.8% |
Ban rate | 1.7% |
Matches | 42 067- |