Quem Countera Zed Mid?

Summary: Countering Zed in the Mid Lane

1. Dodge Zed’s Q harass or hide behind minions to avoid getting hit.
2. Invest in Zhonya’s Hourglass or Stopwatch to effectively block Zed’s burst damage.
3. Utilize hard crowd control abilities to lock down Zed and allow your team to burst him down.
4. Build early armor items to reduce the effectiveness of Zed’s lethality.

5. Garen, Pantheon, Diana, Anivia, and Malphite are some of the best champions to counter Zed in the mid lane.
6. Aurelion Sol, Kassadin, and Veigar are champions that Zed struggles against in the mid lane.
7. Akali is considered a strong counterpick against Zed due to her high mobility and burst damage potential.

8. Zed is one of the most dominant mid laners, with a high kill pressure during the laning phase.
9. However, assassins like Zed tend to struggle in the late game as they are easily locked down by the enemy team.
10. The high ban rate for Zed is mainly due to his strong laning phase and ability to eliminate high-value targets without putting himself at much risk.


1. How do you counter Zed in the mid lane?
– First is to dodge his Q harass or stand behind minions. Invest in Zhonya’s or Stopwatch. Lock him down with hard crowd control. Build early armor.

2. Who is the best counter to Zed?
– Garen, Pantheon, Diana, Anivia, and Malphite are strong counters to Zed.

3. What is the hardest matchup for Zed?
– The hardest matchups for Zed are Aurelion Sol, Kassadin, and Veigar.

4. Who is Zed weak against in Wild Rift?
– Akali is a strong counterpick against Zed in Wild Rift due to her mobility and burst damage.

5. Is Zed the best mid laner?
– Zed is one of the most dominant mid laners with high kill pressure in the laning phase.

6. Is Zed weak late game?
– Like most assassins, Zed is dominant until midgame but struggles in the late game due to being easily locked down.

7. Why does Zed have the highest ban rate?
– Zed’s strong laning phase and ability to eliminate high-value targets without putting himself at risk contribute to his high ban rate.

8. Is Zed weak in the late game?
– Like most assassins, Zed is weaker in the late game due to being easily locked down.

9. Who is the most overpowered champion in Wild Rift?
– Thresh is considered a top-tier pick due to his high damage and crowd control abilities.

10. Who is the hardest mid laner to master?
– Azir is considered one of the most difficult mid lane champions to master due to his intricate combos and power spikes.

11. Who is the strongest mid laner?
– Zed, Syndra, Pantheon, and Akshan are some of the strongest mid laners based on win rate and pick rate.

12. Who is the strongest late game champion in League of Legends?
– The most powerful late-game threat in League of Legends is considered to be almost…

Zed Counter Mid Lanes

Quem Countera Zed Mid?

How do you counter Zed in mid

First is to dodge his q harassing lane or stand behind minions invest in zhonya's or stopwatch lock him down with hard crowd control so he can be bursted. Build early armor to negate his lethality.

Who is best counter to Zed

The best champions that counter Zed are Garen, Pantheon, Diana, Anivia and Malphite. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App.

What is the hardest match up for Zed

The most commonly encountered champions Zed counters against hardest middle versus middle is Aurelion Sol, Kassadin & Veigar. While Zed is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Malphite, Qiyana & Akshan.

Who is Zed weak against wild rift

Akali. Akali is an Assassin-Mage with high mobility and is also able to dish out immense burst damage on her targets. Akali is a great Counterpick against Zed as she can avoid Zed's attacks easily with her Twilight Shroud (2) and Shuriken Flip (3).

Is Zed the best mid laner

Zed is one of the most dominant mid laners in the game with insane kill pressure throughout the laning phase. If you get one kill on Zed, you can quickly turn that kill into multiple kills and create a snowball.

Is Zed weak in late game

Zed is dominant till midgame like most assassins. Assassins struggle in lategame because it becomes easy to be locked down. Your main aim in early game is to dominate lane so you can be most effective during midgame.

Why does Zed have the highest ban rate

Zed WAS a balanced champion, but the reason he would warrant bans stems from his strong laning and kill potential. He can single out the most fed target on the enemy team and eliminate them, without putting himself at much risk.

Is Zed weak late game

Zed is dominant till midgame like most assassins. Assassins struggle in lategame because it becomes easy to be locked down. Your main aim in early game is to dominate lane so you can be most effective during midgame.

Who is the most overpowered champion in Wild Rift

Top Pick: Thresh (S tier)

Thanks to his already high damage numbers and an incredible amount of crowd control, Dawnshroud, which provides extra damage and reveals nearby enemies upon immobilizing enemies, makes Thresh a top-tier pick.

Who is the hardest mid laner

The most difficult mid lane champion to master is probably Azir. This dude has so many combos it's insane. How to place your sand soldiers is key, and knowing when you have a power spike is another important aspect.

Who is the strongest mid laner

Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Zed 49.48% 9.18%
Syndra 50.22% 5.75%
Pantheon 51.29% 2.46%
Akshan 51.96% 3.41%

Who is the strongest late game in League of Legends

The best-known and most powerful late-game threat in League of Legends is, almost certainly, Kayle. Her power spike at level 16 gives her massive AoE auto-attacks and a larger Ultimate, dealing massive physical and magic damage to any enemy unfortunate enough to stray close to her.

Is Zed a bad guy League

Zed is one of the most morally ambiguous characters in the series, having both heroic and villainous moments in his history. may be seen as a hero because he wants to defend Ionia from Noxus and take justice into his own hands, but also a villain due to his mercilessness and slaughtering the Kinkou temple.

Who is canonically the strongest lol champion

As far as the lore is concerned, Aurelion Sol is by far the strongest and oldest known character in the League of Legends universe. It is said that Sol came to life immediately after League's version of The Big Bang, and has been shaping the universe ever since.

Who is the weakest champion in Wild Rift

Wild Rift Worst Picks to Climb: Avoid these Bad ChampionsJhin. Project Jhin.Soraka. Winter Wonderland Soraka.Aurelion Sol. This champion became a meme in the Wild Rift community.Kennen. This poor yordle is a far way from its prime.Singed. This champion isn't necessarily terrible.In Conclusion.Stay Connected.

Who is the best midlaner to solo carry


The final champion on our list is Katarina. I think everyone can agree that Katarina is one of the most dominant Mid laners in the game and her ability to solo carry games is unhinged. With one early kill or two, she can quickly snowball and dominante the enemy laner and kill them over and over again.

Who is the strongest mid laner in League of Legends

Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Victor 50.99% 5.88%
Fizz 51.15% 5.45%
Zed 49.48% 9.18%
Syndra 50.22% 5.75%

Who is the easiest mid assassin in League of Legends

The "easiest" here includes Talon, Yasuo, and Ahri, who have the most straightforward playstyle—go in and hit them hard. Similarly, Anivia, Vex, and Veigar could fit into the "control mage" camp, or the "assassin" camp, as these all can kill their opponents in a 1-vs-1 but generally focus on team fighting.

Who is canonically the strongest league character

As far as the lore is concerned, Aurelion Sol is by far the strongest and oldest known character in the League of Legends universe. It is said that Sol came to life immediately after League's version of The Big Bang, and has been shaping the universe ever since.

Who is the scariest late game champion

Perhaps the scariest champion to deal with in the late game is melee mid-laner Kassadin, whose level 16 power spike is well-known and feared among League of Legends players.

Who is Zed in love with

Addison Wells. Addison Wells is Zed's girlfriend. He first sees Addison walking into Seabrook High with all the other humans and he immediately falls in love with her. They officially meet in the Zombie Safe Room after he causes an alarm to go off.

Does Kayn respect Zed

He holds great respect (almost too much respect) for his master, Zed, but one day he expects to surpass even him in power. The darkin scythe was the perfect stepping stone to that higher power, so Kayn jumped at it.

Who is stronger than Aurelion Sol

1) Kindred: The Eternal Hunters

Although Aurelion Sol created Kindred, she is more powerful than him only because Star Forger can die. Kindred has one of the more intriguing backstories of all the League of Legends champions, Lore depicts Kindred as, "A spirit who is closer to a force of nature than a living being.

Is kindred more powerful than Aurelion Sol

It is also known that Kindred exists across all Universes of League of Legends, meaning that no nothing is actually immune to it. If you want to argue that Kindred cant kill aurelion sol, thats just because aurelion sol has nothing (other then kindred) that can actually kill it.

Who is the hardest hero in Wild Rift

10 Strongest Champions From League Of Legends: Wild Rift1 Varus Is A Rapid Fire Archer.2 Kha'Zix Is An Unseen Threat.3 Evelynn Assassinates To Obtain Victory.4 Thresh Harvests The Souls Of The Dead.5 Seraphine Is A Charming Healer.6 Jayce Could Be A Lane Bully.